Saturday, September 28, 2013

Welcome to the world of technology!

The World of Technology

Technology is all around us and the sooner we embrace it the better off our students will be. I am observing a sixth grade social studies class this semester as a student and the students are currently learning about famous inventors and going into the industrial revolution. Last week the students had to create a fakebook page on a famous inventor. The students were given an information sheet where they had to list who the inventor was, the inventors date of birth, who their spouse was, where the lived, and they had to find six people that they believe would have been friends with the inventor. The students also had to come up with five posts that the inventor would have posted about his/her most famous invention. Once that was complete the six friends had to comment on each post. The students loved this activity. The link for fakebook is Please post other fakebook activities that can be used for any subject.

Kylie Hicks 


  1. I love the idea of Fakebook. I have never heard of that. Kids today are so involved and so interested in Facebook, that I think it is a great idea for students to make a Fakebook. In social studies, using Fakebook to create a profile for a historical character is so creative. I'm very impressed by this website! Another way a Fakebook could be used would be to create a profile as a student in a particular class. For instance, students could have a math profile and comment and question about the homework or assignments, etc. It could be difficult to monitor, but I think it would be a good idea for keeping communication open for all students in assisting, kind of like peer editing.

    1. The kids absolutely loved creating the Fakebook page. It was very interesting to see the comments that some of them came up with. Some of the students actually tried to think like the inventor so that their post would "sound" like something the inventor would say. I had so much fun watching the students create them. I like your suggestion about doing the Fakebook for homework. It would be a great way for the students to get help.

  2. I Have never heard of Fakebook. This is a great tool, Kylie! The fact that the students replied as the inventor themselves shows that the assignment was fascinating enough for them. I am sure this got them out of their ordinary school routine and gave them a little time to have fun while learning.

    1. Fake book is a wonderful tool to use in the classroom and it's very easy. It could be used for book reviews as well. The students would create a fakebook and after reading each chapter post their comments about what is happening in that chapter.

  3. Fakebook is fabulous! A couple of years ago, when I taught 4th grade, our students would do something similar but on a "facebook" template that our computer teacher made up. As part of studying famous Alabamians, they would create a fake facebook page for their assigned Alabamian. I loved this project because it was an alternative to writing a book report and was more in tuned with what they enjoyed doing. I will suggest Fakebook to my friends who teach 4th grade. If they have not already heard of it. Thanks!

    1. Fakebook gets the students more involved with the lesson and what they are learning. I am so glad to have thus tool available and it doesn't have to be purchased to be used.

  4. Fakebook is fabulous! A couple of years ago, when I taught 4th grade, our students would do something similar but on a "facebook" template that our computer teacher made up. As part of studying famous Alabamians, they would create a fake facebook page for their assigned Alabamian. I loved this project because it was an alternative to writing a book report and was more in tuned with what they enjoyed doing. I will suggest Fakebook to my friends who teach 4th grade. If they have not already heard of it. Thanks!
